Extending functionality

The register is meant to be used to keep track of available process steps. Using decorators, a function can be internally turned into a SpotlobProcessStep subclass, to be used within a Pipeline. This way, using only minimal code, new functionality can be added to Spotlob and directly used within its workflow

Example using a decorator

Create a process register

from spotlob.register import ProcessRegister
register = ProcessRegister()

Create an alternative function, that should replace a single SpotlobProcessStep. Here, a binarization function is defined, using upper and lower value boundaries, with numpy.

import numpy as np

def my_threshold(image, lower_threshold, upper_threshold, invert):
    out = np.logical_and( image > lower_threshold,
                        image < upper_threshold)
    out = out.astype(np.uint8)*255
    if invert:
        out = ~out
    return out

To add this function to the register, use the methods of ProcessRegister as decorators, giving a list of parameter specifications

                               ("invert", True)])
def my_threshold(image, lower_threshold, upper_threshold, invert):
    out = np.logical_and( image > lower_threshold,
                        image < upper_threshold)
    out = out.astype(np.uint8)*255
    if invert:
        out = ~out
    return out