

A Spim is the object holding the images and metadata. It has methods, that return a Spim of the next stage. For example, a blank, empty Spim can be created and is then in the stage It contains only the information where to find the image file. If is called, a new Spim is returned, which contains the image data and is at stage SpimStage.loaded.

Here is a list of the stages that a Spim can be in and in between, the methods that return a Spim of the next stage.

strict digraph { node [shape=box, width=2] 0 [label="new", target="_top"]; 1 [label="loaded"]; 2 [label="converted"]; 3 [label="preprocessed", below=2]; 4 [label="binarized", below=1]; 5 [label="postprocessed", below=0]; 6 [label="features_extracted"]; 7 [label="features_filtered"]; 8 [label="analyzed"]; 9 [label="stored"]; {rank=same; 0 -> 1 [label="read"]; 1 -> 2 [label="convert"]; } 2 -> 3 [label="preprocess"]; {rank=same; 4 -> 3 [label="binarize", dir="back"]; 5 -> 4 [label="postprocess", dir="back"]; } 5 -> 6 [label="extract_features"]; {rank=same; 6 -> 7 [label="filter_features"]; 7 -> 8 [label="analyze"]; } 8 -> 9 [label="store"]; }

With every step, information is collected. A spim at a later stage does not duplicate the image data from former stages. However, if this data is still needed, it can contain a reference to its predecessors.

class spotlob.spim.Spim(image, metadata, stage, cached, predecessors)[source]

Spotlob image item


Apply the given process at at this Spim if the process fits this stage or at a predecessor of this Spim that fits the process’ input stage

Parameters:process (SpotlobProcessStep) – Process to apply
Returns:The Spim that results from the process being applied. It is in stage process.input_stage + 1
Return type:Spim
classmethod from_file(image_filepath, cached=False)[source]

Create a Spim object from an image file. The path is stored in the Spim object, but the image is not yet loaded.

  • image_filepath (str) – Path to an image file. The image type must be understood by the reader that is given when the read-function is called. If an invalid image type is given at this stage, it will not be recognized
  • cached (bool, optional) – If the spim is to be cached, a reference to predecessors will be kept and not be deleted by the garbage collector. This allows to go back to an earlier stage after applying processes, but is more memory consuming. (the default is False)

An empty Spim at, that does not contain any data except the filepath

Return type:



The method like, self.convert(),… that can be safely called at the given stage

Parameters:spimstage (int) – SpimStage that the requested method corresponds to
Returns:the function, that can be applied the given stage
Return type:callable

Get the Spim at a given stage. This returns a predecessor if it has been chached

Parameters:spimstage (int) – That the returned Spim should be at
Raises:Exception – If there is no predecessor at the requested stage, for example if Spim has not been cached
Returns:The Spim at the requested Stage
Return type:Spim

get all metadata and results as flat metadata

Returns:all metadata including collected results
Return type:pandas.Dataframe

Gives the image contained in this Spim or in the latest predecessor, that has an image

Raises:Exception – Exception is raised if no image is present, most likely because it has not been cached
Returns:latest image
Return type:numpy.array
class spotlob.spim.SpimStage[source]

Enumeration of the stages that a Spim can go through


The detection of features within an image with spotlob is split up into an abstract but fixed sequence of processes. Any of these process steps is applied onto a Spim and returns a new Spim. The new Spim contains the information added by the process step.

digraph seq { rankdir="LR"; "spim1" -> "spim2" [label="spim1.function(process)"]; }

For example, a Spim at stage SpimStage.loaded can be converted, using a concrete subclass of Converter, named process_opencv.GreyscaleConverter in the following way:

from spotlob.defaults import load_image
from spotlob.process_opencv import GreyscaleConverter

loaded_spim = load_image("color_image.jpg")
my_converter = GreyscaleConverter()
converted_spim = loaded_spim.convert(my_converter)
class spotlob.process.SpotlobProcessStep(function, parameters, add_to_register=True)[source]

An abstract super class for process steps. A process step can be applied to bring a spim from one stage to another. It is supposed to save as internal state, if it has already been applied or needs to be applied again, because the parameters have changed. This is stored in the outdated parameter


Apply the process step onto input data (eg. images or contours) and yield the output data (again, could be a modified image or gathered data). The actual return values depend on the concrete implementation of the function. Additional arguments for the function are the parameters of the process as stored in the parameters field of each process.

Returns:Output of the concrete process implementation
Return type:Contours or images

This function takes spim at an undefined stage and draws the effect of the process on top, to provide a preview for the user on how the funciton will work. No storage or sideeffects should take place. In contrast to the apply function it must always return an image

Parameters:spim (Spim) – Spim to draw the preview on. It must contain an image

For every function of Spim that returns another Spim at a further stage, there is a subclass of SpotlobProcessStep, that can be used as super class for an concrete implementation of that step. The return type of a SpotlobProcessStep.apply call is different depending on the type of process. The Spim internally passes the modified data to the new Spim created through the process.

class spotlob.process_steps.Analysis(function, parameters, add_to_register=True, extended_output=True)[source]

An Analysis class evaluates the metadata (including contours) and yields its results as a dataframe.

apply returns DataFrame


This function takes spim at an undefined stage and draws the effect of the process on top, to provide a preview for the user on how the funciton will work. No storage or sideeffects should take place. In contrast to the apply function it must always return an image

Parameters:spim (Spim) – Spim to draw the preview on. It must contain an image
class spotlob.process_steps.Binarization(function, parameters, add_to_register=True)[source]

Turns a greyscale image into a black-and-white or binary image. apply returns a greyscale image


This function takes spim at an undefined stage and draws the effect of the process on top, to provide a preview for the user on how the funciton will work. No storage or sideeffects should take place. In contrast to the apply function it must always return an image

Parameters:spim (Spim) – Spim to draw the preview on. It must contain an image
class spotlob.process_steps.Converter(function, parameters, add_to_register=True)[source]

A converter converts a color image to a greyscale image. apply returns a greyscale image


This function takes spim at an undefined stage and draws the effect of the process on top, to provide a preview for the user on how the funciton will work. No storage or sideeffects should take place. In contrast to the apply function it must always return an image

Parameters:spim (Spim) – Spim to draw the preview on. It must contain an image
class spotlob.process_steps.FeatureFilter(function, parameters, add_to_register=True)[source]

The FeatureFilter can reduce the number of detected features by analyzing them.

apply returns contours


This function takes spim at an undefined stage and draws the effect of the process on top, to provide a preview for the user on how the funciton will work. No storage or sideeffects should take place. In contrast to the apply function it must always return an image

Parameters:spim (Spim) – Spim to draw the preview on. It must contain an image
class spotlob.process_steps.FeatureFinder(function, parameters, add_to_register=True)[source]

The FeatureFinder tries to find contours in a binary image.

apply returns contours


This function takes spim at an undefined stage and draws the effect of the process on top, to provide a preview for the user on how the funciton will work. No storage or sideeffects should take place. In contrast to the apply function it must always return an image

Parameters:spim (Spim) – Spim to draw the preview on. It must contain an image
class spotlob.process_steps.Postprocessor(function, parameters, add_to_register=True)[source]

Postprocessing is done on a binary image to facilitate the detection. apply returns a greyscale image


This function takes spim at an undefined stage and draws the effect of the process on top, to provide a preview for the user on how the funciton will work. No storage or sideeffects should take place. In contrast to the apply function it must always return an image

Parameters:spim (Spim) – Spim to draw the preview on. It must contain an image
class spotlob.process_steps.Preprocessor(function, parameters, add_to_register=True)[source]

Preprocessing is applied onto a grey image to prepare for binarization, for example by cleaning the image from unwanted features. apply returns a greyscale image


This function takes spim at an undefined stage and draws the effect of the process on top, to provide a preview for the user on how the funciton will work. No storage or sideeffects should take place. In contrast to the apply function it must always return an image

Parameters:spim (Spim) – Spim to draw the preview on. It must contain an image
class spotlob.process_steps.Reader(function, parameters, add_to_register=True)[source]

A reader loads the image data from storage into memory. apply returns an image

Process step implementations

class spotlob.process_opencv.BinaryThreshold(threshold)[source]

Converts the image to a binary one, where the parts above the given threshold are set to 255 and the parts below it to 0. The sole parameter is the threshold value. It uses the cv2.threshold function.

class spotlob.process_opencv.ContourFinder(mode)[source]

Finds contours, i.e. lists of points that enclose connected areas of the same value. It is based on the cv2.findContours function. It can distinguish between different levels of nested areas

Parameters:mode (string) –

Select which kind of blobs should be found and the contour of which should be returned. Select of the following

  • all = all contours, both holes and non-holes
  • inner = innermost blobs without holes in them
  • outer = only outermost blobs
  • holes = only holes, that are contained in other blobs
  • non-holes = all blobs, that are not holes
class spotlob.process_opencv.ContourFinderSimple[source]

Finds contours, i.e. lists of points that enclose connected areas of the same value. It is based on the cv2.findContours function

class spotlob.process_opencv.FeatureFormFilter(size, solidity, remove_on_edge)[source]

It analyzes the contours and filters them using given criteria:

  • the enclosed area must be smaller (i.e. contain fewer pixels) than minimal_area
  • it solidity, i.e. the ratio of the area of the contour and its convex hull must be below a given value
  • if remove_on_edge is True, contours that touch the border of the image are filtered out
is_off_border(contour, image_shape)[source]

this function checks if a contour is touching the border of an image shaped like image_shape

class spotlob.process_opencv.GaussianPreprocess(ksize)[source]

Blur the image with a gaussian blur with kernel size given by ksize. It uses the cv2.filter2D function

class spotlob.process_opencv.GreyscaleConverter[source]

Converts a color image to a greyscale image, by selecting one channel or by converting it to another color space and then selecting one channel.

The supported options are given by the conversion parameter, which must be one of the following strings - Hue, Saturation or Value channel - Red, Blue or Green color channel - normal Greyscale conversion

It uses the cv2.cvtColor function. Additionally the dark an bright parts can be switched using invert=True

class spotlob.process_opencv.OtsuThreshold[source]

Performs a binarization based on Otsu’s algorithm. It uses the cv2.threshold function.

class spotlob.process_opencv.PostprocessNothing[source]

This process is used as a placeholder for a postprocessing step and does not modify the image at all

class spotlob.process_opencv.SimpleReader[source]

Reads an image from a file as an RGB file. Standard image formats, such as png, jpg, tif are supported. It uses cv2.imread.

class spotlob.process_opencv.TifReader[source]

Reads an image from a file as an RGB file. Only image format tif is supported. It uses tifffile.memmap.

partial_read(filepath, width_percent, height_percent, x0_percent, y0_percent)[source]

Returns an array of a part of an .tif image. The arguments must be percentages, even the startingpoint is relative. Starting Point is the top-left corner.


This function takes spim at an undefined stage and draws the effect of the process on top, to provide a preview for the user on how the funciton will work. No storage or sideeffects should take place. In contrast to the apply function it must always return an image

Parameters:spim (Spim) – Spim to draw the preview on. It must contain an image
class spotlob.analyze_circle.CircleAnalysis(calibration=None, extended_output=True)[source]
class spotlob.analyze_line.LineAnalysis(calibration=None, linewidth_percentile=95, extended_output=True)[source]


The pipeline structure is used to define a sequence of processes to be applied one after another onto a spim, to automate a detection task consisting of multiple process steps.

class spotlob.pipeline.Pipeline(processes)[source]

A pipeline is a sequence of processes, that can be applied one after another. The processes are stored in a Dictionary, along with the SpimStage at which they can be applied. The pipeline can be applied completely using the apply_all_steps method or partially using the apply_from_stage_to_stage method.


Apply the complete pipeline on a given spim

Parameters:spim (Spim) – the spotlob image item to apply the complete pipeline to
Returns:a spotlob image item a the stage after the last process
Return type:Spim

Applies all steps following the stage of the spim

Parameters:spim (Spim) – the spotlob image item to apply the pipeline to
Returns:the processed Spim at stage to_stage
Return type:Spim
apply_from_stage_to_stage(spim, from_stage, to_stage)[source]

Recursively applies the pipeline-processes from a given stage up to another given stage.

  • spim (Spim) – The image item to apply parts of the pipeline to
  • from_stage (int) – SpimStage at which stage the first process should be applied
  • to_stage (int) – SpimStage at which stage the last process should be applied

The processed Spim at stage to_stage

Return type:



Exception: – If to_stage is before from_stage

apply_outdated_up_to_stage(spim, up_to_stage)[source]

Applies all processes since the first outdated one on spim up to a given stage if no process is outdated or if the outdated stage is past up_to_stage, spim is processed up to up_to_stage, or a predecessor is returned at up_to_stage

  • spim (Spim) – Spim to apply the pipeline to
  • up_to_stage (int) – SpimStage up to which the pipeline should be applied

the processed Spim at stage up_to_stage

Return type:


classmethod from_file(filepath)[source]

Restore a pipeline from a file

Parameters:filepath (str) – filepath of the pipeline file
Returns:the restored pipeline object
Return type:Pipepline

This will give a new pipeline, where one process is replaced with the given one

Parameters:new_process (SpotlobProcessStep) – the new process to be inserted
Returns:the pipeline, that includes new_process
Return type:Pipeline

Store the pipeline including process paramaters for later use.

Parameters:target_path (str) – path of the file to store the pipeline to


This creates a file that is also suitable for batch process and parallelization.

See also

Use Pipeline.from_file to restore the pipeline object from storage



This function will create a SpotlobParameter from a specification

Parameters:spec (tuple(str, object)) –

specification for the parameter, must be one of the following options:

float range
(“parameter_name”, (float_min_value,
float_max_value, float_value))
integer range
(“parameter_name”, (int_value,
int_min_value, int_max_value))
boolean value (“parameter name”, boolean)
(“parameter name”, [“option1”,
”option2”, “option3”])
Returns:An instance of a SpotlobParameter subclass: EnumParameter, FloatParameter, … depending on the type of the spec
Return type:SpotlobParameter

Batch processing

spotlob.batch.batchprocess(pipeline_file, image_files, multiprocessing=False)[source]

This function applies a pipeline from a file onto a stack of images. The results are collected in one pandas.Dataframe.

  • pipeline_file (str) – the filepath of a pickled pipeline
  • image_files (list of str) – paths of the images
  • multiprocessing (bool, optional) – if True, the processing will be done in parallel using multiple cpu cores at once.

Flat Dataframe where one row corresponds to one detected feature

Return type:



checks wether called in an interactive environment