Source code for spotlob.process

The detection of features within an image with spotlob is split up into
an abstract but fixed sequence of processes. Any of these process steps is
applied onto a Spim and returns a new Spim. The new Spim contains the
information added by the process step.

.. graphviz::

    digraph seq {
        "spim1" -> "spim2" [label="spim1.function(process)"];

For example, a `Spim` at stage `SpimStage.loaded` can be converted, using
a concrete subclass of `Converter`, named `process_opencv.GreyscaleConverter`
in the following way:

.. code-block:: python

    from spotlob.defaults import load_image
    from spotlob.process_opencv import GreyscaleConverter

    loaded_spim = load_image("color_image.jpg")
    my_converter = GreyscaleConverter()
    converted_spim = loaded_spim.convert(my_converter)

import numpy as np

from .spim import SpimStage
from .parameters import SpotlobParameterSet

[docs]class SpotlobProcessStep(object): """An abstract super class for process steps. A process step can be applied to bring a spim from one stage to another. It is supposed to save as internal state, if it has already been applied or needs to be applied again, because the parameters have changed. This is stored in the `outdated` parameter""" # stage that a spim should have before this Process can be applied input_stage = None # a process is outdated, if it has not been # applied since the parameters changed outdated = True def __init__(self, function, parameters, add_to_register=True): """ A process step can be applied to bring a spim from one stage to another Parameters ---------- function : callable a function to be applied on spim with optional additional parameters parameters : list of SpotlobParameter the parameters that will be used for the function as soon as it is applied add_to_register : bool, optional if this is True, the process will be registered centrally now, i.e. upon creation of the SpotlobProcessStep object. This allows the user to know which processes are available (the default is True) """ self.function = function self.parameters = SpotlobParameterSet(parameters) # import needs to be delayed to avoid circular imports from .register import PROCESS_REGISTER if add_to_register: PROCESS_REGISTER.register_process(self)
[docs] def preview(self, spim): """ This function takes spim at an undefined stage and draws the effect of the process on top, to provide a preview for the user on how the funciton will work. No storage or sideeffects should take place. In contrast to the apply function it must always return an image Parameters ---------- spim : Spim Spim to draw the preview on. It must contain an image """ raise NotImplementedError("abstract: to be implemented by subclass")
[docs] def apply(self, *input_args): """Apply the process step onto input data (eg. images or contours) and yield the output data (again, could be a modified image or gathered data). The actual return values depend on the concrete implementation of the function. Additional arguments for the function are the parameters of the process as stored in the `parameters` field of each process. Returns ------- Contours or images Output of the concrete process implementation """ output = self.function(*input_args, **self.parameters.to_dict()) self.outdated = False return output
def __str__(self): classname = str(type(self).__name__) parameters_str = str(self.parameters) return "%s\n%s" % (classname, parameters_str)