Source code for spotlob.process_opencv

import cv2
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
from PIL import Image
import tifffile as tf
import imageio as im

from .process_steps import Reader, Converter, Preprocessor,\
    Binarization, Postprocessor, FeatureFinder, FeatureFilter
from .parameters import SpotlobParameterSet, EnumParameter,\
    BoolParameter, NumericRangeParameter

[docs]class SimpleReader(Reader): """Reads an image from a file as an RGB file. Standard image formats, such as `png`, `jpg`, `tif` are supported. It uses `cv2.imread`. """ def __init__(self): super(SimpleReader, self).__init__(self.fn_read, []) def fn_read(self, filepath): # load as color, convert from BGR to RGB if os.path.exists(filepath): return cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(filepath), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), {} else: raise IOError("File %s not found" % filepath)
[docs]class TifReader(Reader): """ Reads an image from a file as an RGB file. Only image format `tif` is supported. It uses `tifffile.memmap`. """ def __init__(self): pars = [NumericRangeParameter("width_percent", 100, 0, 100), NumericRangeParameter("height_percent", 100, 0, 100), NumericRangeParameter("x0_percent", 0, 0, 100), NumericRangeParameter("y0_percent", 0, 0, 100)] self._preview_image_cache = None super(TifReader, self).__init__(self.partial_read, pars) def _absolute_ROI_corners(self, filepath, width_percent, height_percent, x0, y0): if os.path.exists(filepath): im = w, h = im.size new_w = int(w * width_percent / 100) new_h = int(h * height_percent / 100) x0 = int(w * x0 / 100) y0 = int(h * y0 / 100) x1 = x0 + new_w y1 = y0 + new_h return x0, y0, min(x1,w), min(y1,h) else: raise IOError(f"File {filepath} not found")
[docs] def partial_read(self, filepath, width_percent, height_percent, x0_percent, y0_percent): # -> tuple(np.ndarray, dict) """ Returns an array of a part of an .tif image. The arguments must be percentages, even the startingpoint is relative. Starting Point is the top-left corner. """ x0,y0, x1,y1 = self._absolute_ROI_corners(filepath, width_percent, height_percent, x0_percent, y0_percent) return tf.memmap(filepath, dtype= np.uint8)[y0:y1, x0:x1, :], {"ROI": (x0,y0,x1,y1)}
[docs] def preview(self, spim): filepath = spim.metadata["filepath"] x0,y0, x1,y1 = self._absolute_ROI_corners(filepath, self.parameters["width_percent"].value, self.parameters["height_percent"].value, self.parameters["x0_percent"].value, self.parameters["y0_percent"].value) # read entire image if self._preview_image_cache is None: self._preview_image_cache = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(filepath), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image = self._preview_image_cache.copy() start_point = x0,y0 end_point = x1,y1 image = (image*0.5).astype(np.uint8) # darken image image[y0:y1, x0:x1] *= 2 # brighten ROI # draw rectangle image = cv2.rectangle(image, start_point, end_point, (0,255,0), thickness=1) return image
[docs]class GreyscaleConverter(Converter): """Converts a color image to a greyscale image, by selecting one channel or by converting it to another color space and then selecting one channel. The supported options are given by the `conversion` parameter, which must be one of the following strings - `Hue`, `Saturation` or `Value` channel - `Red`, `Blue` or `Green` color channel - normal `Greyscale` conversion It uses the `cv2.cvtColor` function. Additionally the dark an bright parts can be switched using `invert=True` """ def __init__(self): self.hsv_str_list = ["Hue", "Saturation", "Value"] self.rgb_str_list = ["Red channel", "Blue channel", "Green channel"] converter_options = ["Grey"] + self.hsv_str_list + self.rgb_str_list pars = [EnumParameter("conversion", converter_options[0], converter_options), BoolParameter("invert", False)] super(GreyscaleConverter, self).__init__(self.convert, pars) def convert(self, rgb_image, conversion, invert): if conversion == "Grey": out = cv2.cvtColor(rgb_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY).astype(np.uint8) else: if conversion in self.hsv_str_list: code = cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV ch_nr = self.hsv_str_list.index(conversion) out = cv2.cvtColor(rgb_image, code) elif conversion in self.rgb_str_list: ch_nr = self.rgb_str_list.index(conversion) out = rgb_image out = out[:, :, ch_nr].astype(np.uint8) if invert: return cv2.bitwise_not(out) else: return out
[docs]class GaussianPreprocess(Preprocessor): """Blur the image with a gaussian blur with kernel size given by `ksize`. It uses the `cv2.filter2D` function """ def __init__(self, ksize): pars = [NumericRangeParameter("kernelsize", ksize, 1, 47, step=2)] super(GaussianPreprocess, self).__init__(self.filter_fn, pars) def filter_fn(self, grey_image, kernelsize): if kernelsize > 1: kernel = np.ones((kernelsize, kernelsize), np.float32) kernel /= kernelsize**2 return cv2.filter2D(grey_image, -1, kernel) else: return grey_image
[docs]class BinaryThreshold(Binarization): """Converts the image to a binary one, where the parts above the given threshold are set to 255 and the parts below it to 0. The sole parameter is the threshold value. It uses the `cv2.threshold` function. """ def __init__(self, threshold): pars = SpotlobParameterSet( [NumericRangeParameter("threshold", threshold, 0, 255)]) super(BinaryThreshold, self).__init__(self.threshold_fn, pars) def threshold_fn(self, grey_image, threshold): _, im = cv2.threshold( grey_image, threshold, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) return im
[docs]class OtsuThreshold(Binarization): """Performs a binarization based on Otsu's algorithm. It uses the `cv2.threshold` function. """ def __init__(self): super(OtsuThreshold, self).__init__(self.threshold_fn, []) def threshold_fn(self, grey_image): _, im = cv2.threshold(grey_image, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_OTSU) return im
[docs]class PostprocessNothing(Postprocessor): """This process is used as a placeholder for a postprocessing step and does not modify the image at all""" def __init__(self): super(PostprocessNothing, self).__init__(self.postprocess_fn, []) def postprocess_fn(self, im): return im
[docs]class ContourFinderSimple(FeatureFinder): """Finds contours, i.e. lists of points that enclose connected areas of the same value. It is based on the `cv2.findContours` function """ def __init__(self): super(ContourFinderSimple, self).__init__(self.finder_fn, []) def finder_fn(self, bin_im): cont_ret = cv2.findContours(bin_im, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # cont_ret is # contours, hierarchy for opencv >4.0 # im, contours, hierarchy for opencv <=3.4 contours = cont_ret[-2] return contours
[docs]class ContourFinder(FeatureFinder): """Finds contours, i.e. lists of points that enclose connected areas of the same value. It is based on the `cv2.findContours` function. It can distinguish between different levels of nested areas Parameters ---------- mode : string Select which kind of blobs should be found and the contour of which should be returned. Select of the following * all = all contours, both holes and non-holes * inner = innermost blobs without holes in them * outer = only outermost blobs * holes = only holes, that are contained in other blobs * non-holes = all blobs, that are not holes """ def __init__(self, mode): mode_par = EnumParameter("mode", mode, ["outer", "inner", "all", "holes", "non-holes"]) super(ContourFinder, self).__init__(self.finder_fn, [mode_par]) def finder_fn(self, bin_im, mode): if mode == "outer": cont_ret = cv2.findContours(bin_im, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) return cont_ret[-2] else: cont_ret = cv2.findContours(bin_im, cv2.RETR_CCOMP, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # cont_ret is # * contours, hierarchy for opencv >4.0 # * im, contours, hierarchy for opencv <=3.4 contours = cont_ret[-2] hierarchy = cont_ret[-1][0] if mode == 'all': return contours else: holes = [] nonholes = [] inner = [] i = 0 nonholes_i = [] # first hierarchy is the nonholes # parse through them while i >= 0: head = contours[i] nonholes.append(head) nonholes_i.append(i) next_i, prev_i, child_i, parent_i = hierarchy[i] if child_i < 0: inner.append(head) i = next_i # index of next contour on same hierarchy level if mode == "holes": # rest should be holes # ie. all which are not nonholes # list of holes is the contour list withouth the ones # specified by nonholes index list holes = np.delete(contours, nonholes_i, axis=0) return holes elif mode == "non-holes": return nonholes elif mode == "inner": return inner else: raise NotImplementedError( "Unsupported contour finder mode %s" % mode)
[docs]class FeatureFormFilter(FeatureFilter): """It analyzes the contours and filters them using given criteria: - the enclosed area must be smaller (i.e. contain fewer pixels) than `minimal_area` - it solidity, i.e. the ratio of the area of the contour and its convex hull must be below a given value - if `remove_on_edge` is `True`, contours that touch the border of the image are filtered out """ def __init__(self, size, solidity, remove_on_edge): pars = [NumericRangeParameter("minimal_area", size, 0, 10000), NumericRangeParameter("solidity_limit", solidity, 0, 1, step=0.01, type_=float), BoolParameter("remove_on_edge", remove_on_edge)] super(FeatureFormFilter, self).__init__(self.filter_fn, pars) def solidity(self, c): try: return cv2.contourArea(c)/cv2.contourArea(cv2.convexHull(c)) except ZeroDivisionError: return 0 def filter_fn(self, contours, image_shape, minimal_area, solidity_limit, remove_on_edge): def valid_contour(c): valid_area = cv2.contourArea(c) > minimal_area valid_solidity = self.solidity(c) > solidity_limit valid_on_edge = not remove_on_edge or \ self.is_off_border(c, image_shape) return (valid_area and valid_solidity and valid_on_edge) return [c for c in contours if valid_contour(c)]
[docs] def is_off_border(self, contour, image_shape): """ this function checks if a contour is touching the border of an image shaped like image_shape """ bb_x, bb_y, bb_w, bb_h = cv2.boundingRect(contour) maxh = image_shape[0] maxw = image_shape[1] xMin = 0 yMin = 0 xMax = maxw - 1 yMax = maxh - 1 if any([bb_x <= xMin, bb_y <= yMin, bb_x+bb_w >= xMax, bb_y+bb_h >= yMax]): return False else: return True
def draw_contours(self, image, contours): background = cv2.cvtColor(image.copy(), cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) return draw_contours(background, contours)
def draw_contours(color_image, contours, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=1): return cv2.drawContours(color_image, contours, -1, color, thickness) def crop_to_contour(image, contours): x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contours) return image[y:y+h, x:x+w]